Video Mode Database

The Video Mode Database page allows you to modify, create and suppress the VGA modes supported by the device.

Important Note: Carelessly modifying a video mode on this video database might obliterate the video capture, thus DO NOT MODIFY anything unless you know exactly what you are doing.

After you have made all modifications, click Store Settings to save your settings and then hit Apply Settings/Restart Servers to validate these new settings. Every change you have made on this page will NOT apply until you hit Apply Settings/Restart Servers!   

Click the Quick Links for more information:

Video Modes Explanation

Use the drop down box to select a video mode from the video mode database. Each video mode is indicated by the pixel dimension (length by width) at a certain refresh frequency:

Width_in_pixels x Height_in_pixels @ Refresh_Rate_in_Hz

For example, 1024 x 768@60Hz is a video mode and 1024 X 768@72 Hz is another video mode. Together with the refresh rate and the pixel dimensions, a video mode can be adjusted with those parameters such as screen width, total width, Hsync start, as well as screen height, total height, and Vsync start.

The following diagram explains the geometric relations between the VGA parameters.

VGA parameters


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VGA Parameters

Refresh Rate: Here you can modify the refresh rate of the target VGA mode.

Width: Here you can modify the various width parameters of the target VGA mode:

Height: Here you can modify the various height parameters of the target VGA mode:

Store New Settings: Click this button to save your modification/addition to the video mode database.

Suppress Selected Mode: Click this button to remove the selected video mode from the video mode database. Normally, one does not have to suppress a video mode from the existing database for no particular purpose.

Restore Previous Settings: Click to undo the previous addition or elimination of a video mode. Note that you can only undo one move.

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