“This year TRENDnet raced passed the 2,000 active partner threshold for our North America upTREND Partner Program,” stated Rodney Finney, North America sales director for TRENDnet. “To celebrate this achievement, we invested in the opportunity to extend additional front end discounts and back end rebates to our partners.”
Registered upTREND Value Partners (up to $2,499 in quarterly purchases) receive a new two percent front end discount on all TRENDnet product purchases through approved IT and security channel partners—in addition to existing program benefits. upTREND Silver Partners ($2,500 - 4,999 in quarterly purchases) receive an additional two percent back end rebate on all approved channel purchases—in addition to the existing three percent front end discount and other program benefits. The added program benefits are effective May 15th, 2015, through all participating upTREND channel partners.
upTREND Partner Program registration and details:https://www.trendnet.com/partners/north_american_partners.asp
“We understand the resource commitment required of upTREND partners in order to envision TRENDnet solutions and deliver them to their customers,” continued Finney. “Upgraded program discounts and rebates immediately reward our Value Added Resellers, System Integrators, and Security Solution Providers by increasing their margins and competitive advantage.”
TRENDnet ist ein weltweiter Anbieter preisgekrönter Netzwerklösungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und private Anwender. TRENDnet bietet seit 1990 Netzwerklösungen und ermöglicht es Anwendern Breitbandzugang , Multimediainhalte und vernetzte Peripheriegeräte zu teilen und damit wirklich überall verbunden zu sein. Die breit gefächerte Produktpalette von TRENDnet umfasst PoE, Switche, Industrieanwendungen, IP-Kameras, NVRs, Glasfaser, Powerline, Wireless, KVM, USB, und vieles mehr. Weitere Informationen zu TRENDnet finden Sie unter www.trendnet.com.
20675 Manhattan Place
Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 961-5500
(888) 326-6061