Driven by client-server, graphics and multimedia applications demands, many networks have been unable to provide adequate response time to an ever-increasing number of users. And, it is simply a matter of time before applications demand more bandwidth. The answer is an upgrade to Fast Ethernet, and the number of networks that will migrate to 100Mbps technology is projected to grow rapidly.
100Base-TX Fast Ethernet operates the same way as 10Base-T Ethernet, except that the network data transfer rate is ten times faster. TE100-H12 is equipped with thirteen RJ-45 ports. Up to twelve stations can be connected on Category 5 cable. One of these ports is designed to "uplink" for hub-to-hub cascading. Thus, the TE100-H12 can easily be wired with another 100Base-TX Fast Ethernet hub to expand the network.
The TE100-H12 is the excellent choice for network users who require higher bandwidth, flexibility, functionality and high-performance at a cost effective price. Using the TE100-H12 and the existing TE100-PCI 10/100 Mbps Fast Ethernet adapters, TRENDnet’s vision is to provide the complete 100Mbps solution for the fastest Ethernet networking anyone has ever seen.
TRENDnet ist ein weltweiter Anbieter preisgekrönter Netzwerklösungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und private Anwender. TRENDnet bietet seit 1990 Netzwerklösungen und ermöglicht es Anwendern Breitbandzugang , Multimediainhalte und vernetzte Peripheriegeräte zu teilen und damit wirklich überall verbunden zu sein. Die breit gefächerte Produktpalette von TRENDnet umfasst PoE, Switche, Industrieanwendungen, IP-Kameras, NVRs, Glasfaser, Powerline, Wireless, KVM, USB, und vieles mehr. Weitere Informationen zu TRENDnet finden Sie unter
20675 Manhattan Place
Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 961-5500
(888) 326-6061