TRENDnet gave partners an opportunity to experience TRENDnet products hands on.
Torrance, CA – August 5, 2005 – TRENDnet, a leading manufacturer of networking products worldwide, held for the first time, a Hands-On-Training Workshop for its partners to learn more and become better skilled in TRENDnet products. With the development and complexity of new technologies, TRENDnet felt the need to have excellent support for its products worldwide. TRENDnet certified 25 NEW TRENDnet Network Engineers during this workshop.
The workshop was held at the Hilton Hotel in Torrance, California on July 18-20, 2005. During the course of these three days, TRENDnet partners had a chance to work full hands on with TRENDnet products. Product training sessions included new technologies such as Voice over IP, Wireless A+G, Super G, Pre-N, SNMP, Digital Home, IP Cameras, Virtual Private Networks, and Powerline. Each training session included an overview of the technology, product demonstration, and the opportunity of hands on experience.
In addition to its New European Tech Support Center, TRENDnet wants every country to able to provide quality pre and post technical sales support. Through the hands-on-training workshop, TRENDnet was able to achieve this while also ensuring customer satisfaction with their partners. “We want all our customers to be well trained in TRENDnet products,” said Pei Huang, CEO of TRENDnet. “Providing them with this workshop will give them that opportunity where they can take what they’ve learned back to their country.”
Upon completion of the training, each student was awarded a TRENDnet Certified Network Engineer Certificate at a graduation ceremony dinner. This training workshop was a great chance for all TRENDnet partners to gain knowledge of TRENDnet products and bring back the knowledge to their country. With the great success of the training workshop, customers are requesting a yearly training that should be held in different countries each time.
TRENDnet ist ein weltweiter Anbieter preisgekrönter Netzwerklösungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und private Anwender. TRENDnet bietet seit 1990 Netzwerklösungen und ermöglicht es Anwendern Breitbandzugang , Multimediainhalte und vernetzte Peripheriegeräte zu teilen und damit wirklich überall verbunden zu sein. Die breit gefächerte Produktpalette von TRENDnet umfasst PoE, Switche, Industrieanwendungen, IP-Kameras, NVRs, Glasfaser, Powerline, Wireless, KVM, USB, und vieles mehr. Weitere Informationen zu TRENDnet finden Sie unter www.trendnet.com.
20675 Manhattan Place
Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 961-5500
(888) 326-6061