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TRENDnet Records 24% YOY Revenue Growth for Fiscal Year 2005
TRENDnet (6/21/2006)

TRENDnet announces 5thconsecutive year of double-digit growth and plan to expand Headquarters inNovember 2006.

Torrance, CA – June 21, 2006 – TRENDnet, one of the largest privately-held networkingmanufacturers in the world concluded its fiscal year 2005 ending May 31st,2006, with year over year revenue growth of 24%. As a result, TRENDnet hastripled its overall revenue in the past three years. The company’s momentum hasbeen fueled through the development of innovative one-of-a-kind solutions,country and channel expansion, and through a renewed focus on marketing.

Over the past year the company has launched over 60new products in high growth categories such as Wireless LAN, VoIP, IP Camerasand Gigabit Switching. Several of the landmark products that have driven volumeand created market attention have been focused on enabling mobile connectivityfor Wi-Fi users. Super G wireless with MIMO smart antenna technology, Wi-FiHotSpot Detectors, Day and Night IP Cameras and high port-count Gigabitswitches have not only helped draw a number of editorial excellence awards, butthe right product mix has helped drive top-line revenue and profitability. 

TRENDnet continued its international expansion byadding 5 new countries to its global partner network over fiscal year 2005.Expansion into emerging markets requires close cooperation with in-countrydistributors and reseller partners. While adding these new distributionpartners, TRENDnet utilizes the partner’s intimate understanding of the localmarket to adapt to unique business constraints and identify opportunities. Byavoiding a one-size-fits-all strategy, TRENDnet has continued to createflexible partnerships that give partners ownership and incentive to buildvolume and profitability. Combined with TRENDnet’s loyal commitment to itspartners and focus on channel integrity, the company now has distribution inover 113 countries worldwide.

Over the past year the company has increasedpenetration into the consumer, VAR and distribution channels. In North America, major retailers including Future Shop, PCClub and J & R were added to its list of national and regional partners,while ecommerce partners, such as TigerDirect, NewEgg, and Compusa.comrealized stronger than expected revenue growth. TRENDnet also added one of thefastest growing national distributors, ASI, to its list of North Americandistributors. The growth extended to Europe aswell, where the company has increased market shares in each of the key leadingmarkets. New additions to the consumer product line have helped capture moreshelf space in premier retailers such as Carrefour, WalMart and MediaMrkt,while PoE, Gigabit and Fiber products have attracted new VAR partners as well.In Asia and Latin America new partnershipswere formed, adding revenue through ongoing and one-time government andcommercial projects.

Marketing Initiative
Starting in October of 2005, the company set intomotion a series of marketing changes intended to align the company under asingle image and increase communications with its partner network. In November,a new company logo was launched with TRENDnet as the company name andtrademark. Timed with the logo change, the company refreshed the brand imageacross newly designed product packaging and other print and interactiveadvertising media. A renewed focus on PR and print advertising has helpedincrease editorial coverage and brand awareness to help drive customers back tochannel partners. Also, to help leverage the company’s worldwide customer baseand deliver added value, TRENDnet signed several promotional deals with leadingsoftware companies, including McAfee, HP and Pure Networks.

“Overall, the past year’s revenue and profitabilitywas on target and marks the

Über TRENDnet, Inc.

TRENDnet ist ein weltweiter Anbieter preisgekrönter Netzwerklösungen für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen und private Anwender. TRENDnet bietet seit 1990 Netzwerklösungen und ermöglicht es Anwendern Breitbandzugang , Multimediainhalte und vernetzte Peripheriegeräte zu teilen und damit wirklich überall verbunden zu sein. Die breit gefächerte Produktpalette von TRENDnet umfasst PoE, Switche, Industrieanwendungen, IP-Kameras, NVRs, Glasfaser, Powerline, Wireless, KVM, USB, und vieles mehr. Weitere Informationen zu TRENDnet finden Sie unter

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Torrance, CA 90501
(310) 961-5500

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