TRENDnet Launch Multi-Language Website!
TRENDnet (8/20/2001)

Serving Their Customers in More Than One Way!

TORRANCE, CA - October 12, 2001 — TRENDnet's website was first launched in 1995. Today the site receives over 2 million hits a month from customers all over the world. To better serve their customers, TRENDnet launches a Multi-Language Website including five of the most popular languages - English, French, Spanish, German, and Portuguese.

TRENDnet's Multi-Language Website will include all the company products and information exactly as the current site but available in five different languages. Customers will be able to choose the language they feel most comfortable in to learn about TRENDnet. TRENDnet strives to reach all their customers, not only by providing the products they need, but also with the right communication method. Last year, TRENDnet released their new packaging including 6 different languages. This year will be the release of the multi-language website.

"With the new multi-language website, we will be able to reach our customers all over the world," commented Pei Huang, TRENDnet President.

TRENDnet's multi-language website is currently now in working process. It will take multiple stages but the site is expected to be fully complete by January 2002. As of now, the site is developing day by day. As information is translated, it will be added to the site. New sections will be completed each day. Log on to and see as TRENDnet's new multi-language website develops!

Presentazione di TRENDnet, Inc.

TRENDnet è un fornitore globale di soluzioni vincenti per le reti dati e la videosorveglianza dedicate a piccole-medie imprese e a utenti domestici. Grazie alle soluzioni per il networking che produce dal 1990, TRENDnet permette ai suoi utenti di condividere accessi a larga banda, contenuti multimediali e periferiche di rete, per una connettività affidabile ovunque. L’ampia gamma di prodotti TRENDnet comprende soluzioni wireless, telecamere IP, switch, Power over Ethernet (PoE), fibra, dispositivi gigabit, domotica, videoregistratori di rete (NVR), prodotti KVM (tastiere/video/mouse), print server, powerline, media server NAS, accessori multimediali e molto altro. Per maggiori informazioni su TRENDnet, visitate il sito

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