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TRENDnet Now Sold in Over 100 Countries
TRENDnet (12/11/2003)

TRENDnet partners help network the corners of the globe

Torrance, CA – December 11, 2003 — TRENDnet, a leading manufacturer of networking products worldwide, announced today that the company is now offering its products in over 100 countries worldwide. Within the past year the company has added an additional 26 countries bringing the total to 106 distinct markets where the TRENDnet product line is sold.

A primary driver behind the rapid expansion has been the close partnerships the company has established with in-country reseller and distribution partners. “We believe in establishing relationships with our partners based on mutual trust and support. As a U.S. based company, we rely heavily on our partners to respond to the needs that are unique to their respective market,” said Pei Huang, President of TRENDnet. “Our partners act as an extension to TRENDnet. Together we are committed to establishing a business that is profitable, healthy and ultimately meets the expectations of our mutual customers.”

The addition of two new international locations in Taiwan and Germany over this past year has also contributed to the international growth. Although TRENDnet has established itself in the major markets in Europe, Asia, Latin American and the Middle East, the affordability and benefits of new technologies such as Wireless W-Fi networking have helped drive the TRENDnet product line into developing markets as well. Several of the most recent additions include Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique. Albania, Vietnam, and the Netherlands Antilles.

To mark the century achievement TRENDnet will continue to convey the universal appeal of the TRENDnet product line with a new 100 Countries logo, which will be included on all future packaging.

О компании TRENDnet Inc.

Компания TRENDnet является глобальным поставщиком передовых сетевых решений для малого и среднего бизнеса и домашних сетей. Выпуская аппаратные средства для сетевых решений с 1990 года, компания TRENDnet помогает пользователям создать эффективную сеть практически в любом месте с возможностью совместного использования широкополосного доступа, мультимедийного контента и сетевых периферийных устройств. Обширный ассортимент продукции, выпускаемой компанией TRENDnet, включает в себя беспроводные решения, Интернет-камеры (IP-камеры), коммутаторы, Power over Ethernet (PoE), оптоволоконные решения, гигабитные устройства, решения домашней автоматизации, сетевые видеорегистраторы (NVR), переключатели KVM (клавиатура/видео/мышь), серверы печати, Powerline, медиа-серверы NAS, мультимедийные аксессуары и многое другое. Более подробную информацию о компании TRENDnet вы найдете на нашем сайте

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