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New Partner
Welcome to the UK Partner Program! Your benefits as a TRENDnet approved VAR partner are only a few clicks away. Please note that only resellers located in the United Kingdom are currently eligible for this program. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at

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Partner Benefits

TRENDnet has invested in the success of our most important asset - the value added resellers that represent and promote our products everyday. Sign up today and take advantage of the significant benefits TRENDnet’s UK Partner Program offers.

Program Benefits Silver Partner Gold Partner Platinum Partner
Quarterly Purchases £1,000 to £3,000 > £3,000 to £7,500 ≥ £7,500
Front End Discounts on all Products 4% 7% 10%
Dedicated Sales Support Yes Yes Yes
Bid Desk Yes Yes Yes
RMA Online Real-Time RMA Advanced Replacement Advanced Replacement
Technical Support * Level 3 Level 3 Level 3
Monthly Newsletter Yes Yes Yes
Demo Program (30% Discount -
Limit 1 demo per sku/5 demos per quarter)
Yes Yes Yes
Online Product and Sales Training Yes Yes Yes
Sales and Marketing Tools via Partner Website Yes Yes Yes
Partner Welcome Kit Yes Yes Yes

*Level 3 tech support hours are available 2pm GMT - 10pm GMT

Who Qualifies?
TRENDnet's UK Partner Program is designed to support the needs of TRENDnet's value added resellers (headquartered in the UK only). Companies that qualify for all of the following points, are eligible to participate in the UK Partner Program.
  1. Have a primary business focus in the SOHO or SMB space; excludes e-tailers
  2. Provide end users with pre-and post-sales services and support including networking and/or IP Camera design, configuration, and troubleshooting
  3. Maintain a valid account with an Authorized UK Partner Program Distributor

Program qualification is solely determined by and at the discretion of TRENDnet.

NOTE: Program qualification is solely determined by and at the discretion of TRENDnet Qualifying Purchases. Purchases ONLY from the following approved UK Partner Program distributors will be counted towards officially recognized quarterly program purchases.