Main Screen

The main screen enables you to configure the LAN & DHCP Server, set WAN parameters, create Administrator and User passwords, and set the local time, time zone, and default NTP server.

Click the items below for more information:



LAN & DHCP Server

This page enables you to set LAN and DHCP properties, such as the host name, IP address, subnet mask, and domain name. LAN and DHCP profiles are listed in the DHCP table at the bottom of the screen.

Host Name: Type the host name in the text box. The host name is required by some ISPs. The default host name is "TRENDnet."

IP Address: This is the IP address of the router. The default IP address is

Subnet Mask: Type the subnet mask for the router in the text box. The default subnet mask is

DHCP Server: Enables the DHCP server to allow the router to automatically assign IP addresses to devices connecting to the LAN. DHCP is enabled by default.

All DHCP client computers are listed in the table at the bottom of the screen, providing the host name, IP address, and MAC address of the client.

Start IP: Type an IP address to serve as the start of the IP range that DHCP will use to assign IP addresses to all LAN devices connected to the router.

End IP: Type an IP address to serve as the end of the IP range that DHCP will use to assign IP addresses to all LAN devices connected to the router.

Domain Name: Type the local domain name of the network in the text box. This item is optional.

Static DHCP:  When you specify a reserved IP address for a PC on the LAN, that PC will always receive the same IP address each time it accesses the DHCPserver. Reserved IP address should be assigned to servers that require permanent IP settings.

Name: Type the name of the user to get the Reserved IP address.

MAC Address: Type the MAC address of the user's network interface.

IP Address: This is the IP address reserved for the user.

Add: Click to add the user to the list at the bottom of the page.

Update: Click to update information for the user, if you have changed any of the fields.

Delete: Select a user from the table at the bottom of the list and click Delete to remove the user profile.

Cancel: Click Cancel to erase all fields and enter new information.

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This screen enables you to set up the router WAN connection, specify the IP address for the WAN, add DNS numbers, enter the MAC address, and set the MTU.

Connection Type: Select the connection type, either DHCP client/Fixed IP or PPPoE from the drop-down list.

When using DHCP client/Fixed IP, enter the following information in the fields (some information is provided by your ISP):

WAN IP: Select whether you want to specify an IP address manually, or want DHCP to obtain an IP address automatically. When Specify IP is selected, type the IP address, subnet mask, and default gateway in the text boxes. Your ISP will provide you with this information.

DNS 1/2/3: Type up to three DNS numbers in the text boxes. Your ISP will provide you with this information.

MAC Address: If required by your ISP, type the MAC address of the router WAN interface in this field.

MTU: Type the MTU value in the text box.

When using PPPoE, enter the following information in the fields (some information is provided by your ISP):

WAN IP: Select whether you want the ISP to provide the IP address automatically, or whether you want to assign a static IP address to the router WAN. When Specify IP is selected, type the PPPoE IP address in the text box. Your ISP will provide you with this information.

DNS 1/2/3: Type up to three DNS numbers in the text boxes. Your ISP will provide you with this information.

User Name: Type your PPPoE user name.

Password: Type your PPPoE password.

Connect on Demand: Enables or disables the connect on demand function, which enables the the router to initiate a connection with your ISP when an Internet request is made to the router. When enabled, the router automatically connects to the Internet when you open your default browser.

Idle Time Out: Specify the time that will elapse before the router times out of a connection.

MTU: Type the MTU value in the text box.

PPTP: Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol uses TCP to deal data for tunnel maintenance, and uses PPP for sum up the information carried within the tunnel. The data carried within the tunnel can be compressed or encrypted. The encryption method used is RSA RC4. PPTP can operate when the protocol is supported only on the client and the server located on the other end that the client is corresponds with. No support is essential from any of the routers or servers within the network the two PCs are connecting across.

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L2TP:L2TP is often used as a tunneling mechanism to resell ADSL endpoint connectivity. An L2TP tunnel would sit between the user and the ISP the connection would be resold to, so the reselling ISP wouldn't appear as doing the transit.

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Bigpond Cable: BigPond is Australia's largest Internet Service Provider and is Telstra's brand name for consumer broadband services.

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This screen enables you to set administrative and user passwords. These passwords are used to gain access to the router interface.

Administrator: Type the password the Administrator will use to log in to the system. The password must be typed again for confirmation.

User: Users can type a password to be used for logging in to the system. The password must be typed again for confirmation.

Note: Users do not have permission to configure router functions.

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This screen enables you to set the time and date for the router's realtime clock, select your time zone, specify an NTP server, and enable or disable daylight saving.

Local Time: Displays the local time and date.

Time Zone: Select your time zone from the drop-down list.

Default NTP Server: Type the NTP server address in the text box to enable the router to automatically set the time from the Internet NTP server.

Set the Time: Select the date and time from the drop-down lists, and click Set Time to set the router's internal clock to the correct date and time.

Daylight Saving: Enables you to enable or disable daylight saving time. When enabled, select the start and end date for daylight saving time.

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Dynamic DNS

Dynamic DNS (Domain Name Service) is a method of keeping a domain name linked to a changing (dynamic) IP address. With most Cable and DSL connections, you are assigned a dynamic IP address and that address is used only for the duration of that specific connection. You can setup your DDNS service and the router will automatically update your DDNS server every time it receives a different IP address.

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Setup Wizard

The setup wizard enables you to configure the router quickly and conveniently. Follow these instructions:

  1. In the Settings screen Setup Wizard section, click Run Wizard.

  1. Click Next. You are prompted to select a password. Type a password in the text box, and then type it again for verification.

  1. Click Next. Select your time zone from the drop-down list.

  1. Click Next. Type the LAN IP address in the text box. The default IP address

  2. Type the subnet mask in the text box.

  3. Enable DHCP Server if you want DHCP to automatically assign IP addresses. Type a beginning IP address and an end IP address for the DHCP server to use in assigning IP addresses.

  1. Click Next. Select how the router will set up the Internet connection. If you have enabled DHCP server, choose "Obtain IP automatically (DHCP client)" to have the router assign IP addresses automatically.

  1. Click Next. You are prompted to restart save the settings and restart the router interface. Click Restart to complete the wizard.

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